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  • テスト応答パターンと項目特性の分析
  • 様々な心理測定モデルを用いた受験者の分類
  • テストデータにおける潜在構造の調査
  • 項目間の局所依存性の検討
  • 項目関係のネットワーク分析





  • 古典的テスト理論(CTT)
    • 項目の難易度と識別力
    • テストの信頼性と妥当性
  • 項目反応理論(IRT)
    • 2PL、3PL、4PLモデル
    • 項目特性曲線
    • テスト情報関数


  • 潜在クラス分析(LCA)
    • クラスメンバーシップの推定
    • 項目応答プロファイル
  • 潜在ランク分析(LRA)
    • 順序付き潜在クラス
    • ランク遷移確率
  • バイクラスタリングとランククラスタリング
    • 項目と受験者の同時クラスタリング
    • フィールド固有の応答パターン
  • 無限関係モデル(IRM)
    • 最適なクラス/フィールド数の決定
    • ノンパラメトリッククラスタリング




  1. 局所依存潜在ランク分析(LDLRA)
    • 項目間の依存関係が異なる習熟度ランクでどのように変化するかを分析
    • 項目間の関係が学習者の能力レベルによって変化すると予想される場合に適している
    • LRAとベイジアンネットワークの長所を組み合わせたモデル
  2. 局所依存バイクラスタリング(LDB)
    • 各ランク内における項目フィールド間の関係に焦点
    • 項目が自然なグループ(フィールド)を形成し、階層的な関係を持つ場合に最適
    • バイクラスタリングとフィールドレベルの依存構造を統合
  3. バイクラスターネットワークモデル(BINET)
    • 各フィールド内でのクラス遷移を検討
    • 複雑なクラス進行パターンの理解に最適
    • バイクラスタリングとクラスレベルのネットワーク分析を組み合わせたモデル


モデル 主な焦点 適用場面
LDLRA 項目レベルの依存関係 項目関係が習熟度によって変化する場合
LDB フィールドレベルの構造 項目が自然なグループを形成し依存関係を持つ場合
BINET クラス進行 フィールド内に複雑な学習パターンが存在する場合





# devtoolsがインストールされていない場合は、まずインストール
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

# Exametrikaのインストール



  • R (>= 4.1.0)
  • igraph (ネットワーク分析用)
  • その他の依存パッケージは自動的にインストールされます






  • 2値データ(0/1)
    • 0:誤答
    • 1:正答
  • 多値データ
    • 順序のある反応カテゴリ
    • 複数の得点レベル
  • 欠測値
    • NA値がサポートされています
    • カスタムの欠測値コードを指定可能



  1. データ構造
    • 行列またはデータフレーム形式
    • 反応データ(2値または多値)
    • 柔軟な欠測値の取り扱い
    • 様々なデータ型と構造のサポート
  2. オプション要素
    • 受験者IDの列(デフォルト:最初の列)
    • 項目の重み(デフォルト:すべての重み = 1)
    • 項目ラベル(デフォルト:連番)
    • 欠測値指示行列




  • 機能
    • IDベクトルの抽出と検証
    • 項目ラベルの処理または連番の割り当て
    • 反応データ行列Uの作成
    • 欠測値指示行列Zの生成
    • 項目の重みの処理
    • 分析に適した形式へのデータ変換


# Format raw data for analysis
data <- dataFormat(J15S500) # Using sample dataset
str(data) # View structure of formatted data
## List of 7
##  $ ID           : chr [1:500] "Student001" "Student002" "Student003" "Student004" ...
##  $ ItemLabel    : chr [1:15] "Item01" "Item02" "Item03" "Item04" ...
##  $ Z            : num [1:500, 1:15] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:15] "Item01" "Item02" "Item03" "Item04" ...
##  $ w            : num [1:15] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ response.type: chr "binary"
##  $ categories   : Named int [1:15] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:15] "Item01" "Item02" "Item03" "Item04" ...
##  $ U            : num [1:500, 1:15] 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:15] "Item01" "Item02" "Item03" "Item04" ...
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "exametrika" "exametrikaData"



  • 命名規則:JxxSxxx形式
    • J:項目数(例:J15 = 15項目)
    • S:サンプルサイズ(例:S500 = 500人の受験者)

利用可能なデータセット: - J5S10:非常に小さなデータセット(5項目、10人の受験者) - クイックテストと基本概念の理解に有用 - J12S5000:大規模サンプルデータセット(12項目、5000人の受験者) - LDLRAなどの高度な分析に適している - J14S500:中規模データセット(14項目、500人の受験者) - J15S500:中規模データセット(15項目、500人の受験者) - IRTとLCAの例でよく使用 - J20S400:中規模データセット(20項目、400人の受験者) - J35S515:大規模項目データセット(35項目、515人の受験者) - バイクラスタリングとネットワークモデルの例で使用



## Test Statics
##                   value
## TestLength   15.0000000
## SampleSize  500.0000000
## Mean          9.6640000
## SEofMean      0.1190738
## Variance      7.0892826
## SD            2.6625707
## Skewness     -0.4116220
## Kurtosis     -0.4471624
## Min           2.0000000
## Max          15.0000000
## Range        13.0000000
## Q1.25%        8.0000000
## Median.50%   10.0000000
## Q3.75%       12.0000000
## IQR.75%       4.0000000
## Stanine.4%    5.0000000
## Stanine.11%   6.0000000
## Stanine.23%   7.0000000
## Stanine.40%   9.0000000
## Stanine.60%  11.0000000
## Stanine.77%  12.0000000
## Stanine.89%  13.0000000
## Stanine.96%  14.0000000


## Item Statics
##    ItemLabel  NR   CRR  ODDs Threshold Entropy ITCrr
## 1     Item01 500 0.746 2.937    -0.662   0.818 0.375
## 2     Item02 500 0.754 3.065    -0.687   0.805 0.393
## 3     Item03 500 0.726 2.650    -0.601   0.847 0.321
## 4     Item04 500 0.776 3.464    -0.759   0.767 0.503
## 5     Item05 500 0.804 4.102    -0.856   0.714 0.329
## 6     Item06 500 0.864 6.353    -1.098   0.574 0.377
## 7     Item07 500 0.716 2.521    -0.571   0.861 0.483
## 8     Item08 500 0.588 1.427    -0.222   0.978 0.405
## 9     Item09 500 0.364 0.572     0.348   0.946 0.225
## 10    Item10 500 0.662 1.959    -0.418   0.923 0.314
## 11    Item11 500 0.286 0.401     0.565   0.863 0.455
## 12    Item12 500 0.274 0.377     0.601   0.847 0.468
## 13    Item13 500 0.634 1.732    -0.342   0.948 0.471
## 14    Item14 500 0.764 3.237    -0.719   0.788 0.485
## 15    Item15 500 0.706 2.401    -0.542   0.874 0.413


## Realiability
##                 name value
## 1  Alpha(Covariance) 0.625
## 2         Alpha(Phi) 0.630
## 3 Alpha(Tetrachoric) 0.771
## 4  Omega(Covariance) 0.632
## 5         Omega(Phi) 0.637
## 6 Omega(Tetrachoric) 0.779
## Reliability Excluding Item
##    IfDeleted Alpha.Covariance Alpha.Phi Alpha.Tetrachoric
## 1     Item01            0.613     0.618             0.762
## 2     Item02            0.609     0.615             0.759
## 3     Item03            0.622     0.628             0.770
## 4     Item04            0.590     0.595             0.742
## 5     Item05            0.617     0.624             0.766
## 6     Item06            0.608     0.613             0.754
## 7     Item07            0.594     0.600             0.748
## 8     Item08            0.611     0.616             0.762
## 9     Item09            0.642     0.645             0.785
## 10    Item10            0.626     0.630             0.773
## 11    Item11            0.599     0.606             0.751
## 12    Item12            0.597     0.603             0.748
## 13    Item13            0.597     0.604             0.753
## 14    Item14            0.593     0.598             0.745
## 15    Item15            0.607     0.612             0.759



result.IRT <- IRT(J15S500, model = 3)
## Item Parameters
##        slope location lowerAsym PSD(slope) PSD(location) PSD(lowerAsym)
## Item01 0.818   -0.834    0.2804      0.182         0.628         0.1702
## Item02 0.860   -1.119    0.1852      0.157         0.471         0.1488
## Item03 0.657   -0.699    0.3048      0.162         0.798         0.1728
## Item04 1.550   -0.949    0.1442      0.227         0.216         0.1044
## Item05 0.721   -1.558    0.2584      0.148         0.700         0.1860
## Item06 1.022   -1.876    0.1827      0.171         0.423         0.1577
## Item07 1.255   -0.655    0.1793      0.214         0.289         0.1165
## Item08 0.748   -0.155    0.1308      0.148         0.394         0.1077
## Item09 1.178    2.287    0.2930      0.493         0.423         0.0440
## Item10 0.546   -0.505    0.2221      0.131         0.779         0.1562
## Item11 1.477    1.090    0.0628      0.263         0.120         0.0321
## Item12 1.479    1.085    0.0462      0.245         0.115         0.0276
## Item13 0.898   -0.502    0.0960      0.142         0.272         0.0858
## Item14 1.418   -0.788    0.2260      0.248         0.291         0.1252
## Item15 0.908   -0.812    0.1531      0.159         0.383         0.1254
## Item Fit Indices
##        model_log_like bench_log_like null_log_like model_Chi_sq null_Chi_sq model_df null_df   NFI   RFI   IFI
## Item01       -262.979       -240.190      -283.343       45.578      86.307       11      13 0.472 0.376 0.541
## Item02       -253.405       -235.436      -278.949       35.937      87.025       11      13 0.587 0.512 0.672
## Item03       -280.640       -260.906      -293.598       39.468      65.383       11      13 0.396 0.287 0.477
## Item04       -204.884       -192.072      -265.962       25.623     147.780       11      13 0.827 0.795 0.893
## Item05       -232.135       -206.537      -247.403       51.196      81.732       11      13 0.374 0.260 0.432
## Item06       -173.669       -153.940      -198.817       39.459      89.755       11      13 0.560 0.480 0.639
## Item07       -250.905       -228.379      -298.345       45.053     139.933       11      13 0.678 0.620 0.736
## Item08       -314.781       -293.225      -338.789       43.111      91.127       11      13 0.527 0.441 0.599
## Item09       -321.920       -300.492      -327.842       42.856      54.700       11      13 0.217 0.074 0.271
## Item10       -309.318       -288.198      -319.850       42.240      63.303       11      13 0.333 0.211 0.403
## Item11       -248.410       -224.085      -299.265       48.648     150.360       11      13 0.676 0.618 0.730
## Item12       -238.877       -214.797      -293.598       48.160     157.603       11      13 0.694 0.639 0.747
## Item13       -293.472       -262.031      -328.396       62.882     132.730       11      13 0.526 0.440 0.574
## Item14       -223.473       -204.953      -273.212       37.040     136.519       11      13 0.729 0.679 0.793
## Item15       -271.903       -254.764      -302.847       34.279      96.166       11      13 0.644 0.579 0.727
##          TLI   CFI RMSEA    AIC    CAIC     BIC
## Item01 0.443 0.528 0.079 23.578 -22.805 -22.783
## Item02 0.602 0.663 0.067 13.937 -32.446 -32.424
## Item03 0.358 0.457 0.072 17.468 -28.915 -28.893
## Item04 0.872 0.892 0.052  3.623 -42.759 -42.737
## Item05 0.309 0.415 0.086 29.196 -17.186 -17.164
## Item06 0.562 0.629 0.072 17.459 -28.924 -28.902
## Item07 0.683 0.732 0.079 23.053 -23.330 -23.308
## Item08 0.514 0.589 0.076 21.111 -25.272 -25.250
## Item09 0.097 0.236 0.076 20.856 -25.527 -25.505
## Item10 0.266 0.379 0.075 20.240 -26.143 -26.121
## Item11 0.676 0.726 0.083 26.648 -19.735 -19.713
## Item12 0.696 0.743 0.082 26.160 -20.223 -20.201
## Item13 0.488 0.567 0.097 40.882  -5.501  -5.479
## Item14 0.751 0.789 0.069 15.040 -31.343 -31.321
## Item15 0.669 0.720 0.065 12.279 -34.104 -34.082
## Model Fit Indices
##                    value
## model_log_like -3880.769
## bench_log_like -3560.005
## null_log_like  -4350.217
## model_Chi_sq     641.528
## null_Chi_sq     1580.424
## model_df         165.000
## null_df          195.000
## NFI                0.594
## RFI                0.520
## IFI                0.663
## TLI                0.594
## CFI                0.656
## RMSEA              0.076
## AIC              311.528
## CAIC            -384.212
## BIC             -383.882


##       tmp$ID         EAP       PSD
## 1 Student001 -0.75526238 0.5805679
## 2 Student002 -0.17398742 0.5473610
## 3 Student003  0.01382355 0.5530509
## 4 Student004  0.57628579 0.5749125
## 5 Student005 -0.97449552 0.5915605
## 6 Student006  0.85232605 0.5820542


plot(result.IRT, type = "ICC", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)

plot(result.IRT, type = "IIC", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)

plot(result.IRT, type = "TIC")



LCA(J15S500, ncls = 5)
## Item Reference Profile
##          IRP1   IRP2    IRP3  IRP4  IRP5
## Item01 0.5185 0.6996 0.76358 0.856 0.860
## Item02 0.5529 0.6276 0.81161 0.888 0.855
## Item03 0.7959 0.3205 0.93735 0.706 0.849
## Item04 0.5069 0.5814 0.86940 0.873 1.000
## Item05 0.6154 0.7523 0.94673 0.789 0.886
## Item06 0.6840 0.7501 0.94822 1.000 0.907
## Item07 0.4832 0.4395 0.83377 0.874 0.900
## Item08 0.3767 0.3982 0.62563 0.912 0.590
## Item09 0.3107 0.3980 0.26616 0.165 0.673
## Item10 0.5290 0.5341 0.76134 0.677 0.781
## Item11 0.1007 0.0497 0.00132 0.621 0.623
## Item12 0.0355 0.1673 0.15911 0.296 0.673
## Item13 0.2048 0.5490 0.89445 0.672 0.784
## Item14 0.3508 0.7384 0.77159 0.904 1.000
## Item15 0.3883 0.6077 0.82517 0.838 0.823
## Test Profile
##                               Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5
## Test Reference Profile          6.453   7.613  10.415  11.072  12.205
## Latent Class Ditribution       87.000  97.000 125.000  91.000 100.000
## Class Membership Distribution  90.372  97.105 105.238 102.800 104.484
## Item Fit Indices
##        model_log_like bench_log_like null_log_like model_Chi_sq null_Chi_sq model_df null_df   NFI   RFI   IFI
## Item01       -264.179       -240.190      -283.343       47.978      86.307        9      13 0.444 0.197 0.496
## Item02       -256.363       -235.436      -278.949       41.853      87.025        9      13 0.519 0.305 0.579
## Item03       -237.888       -260.906      -293.598      -46.037      65.383        9      13 1.000 1.000 1.000
## Item04       -208.536       -192.072      -265.962       32.928     147.780        9      13 0.777 0.678 0.828
## Item05       -226.447       -206.537      -247.403       39.819      81.732        9      13 0.513 0.296 0.576
## Item06       -164.762       -153.940      -198.817       21.644      89.755        9      13 0.759 0.652 0.843
## Item07       -249.377       -228.379      -298.345       41.997     139.933        9      13 0.700 0.566 0.748
## Item08       -295.967       -293.225      -338.789        5.483      91.127        9      13 0.940 0.913 1.000
## Item09       -294.250       -300.492      -327.842      -12.484      54.700        9      13 1.000 1.000 1.000
## Item10       -306.985       -288.198      -319.850       37.574      63.303        9      13 0.406 0.143 0.474
## Item11       -187.202       -224.085      -299.265      -73.767     150.360        9      13 1.000 1.000 1.000
## Item12       -232.307       -214.797      -293.598       35.020     157.603        9      13 0.778 0.679 0.825
## Item13       -267.647       -262.031      -328.396       11.232     132.730        9      13 0.915 0.878 0.982
## Item14       -203.468       -204.953      -273.212       -2.969     136.519        9      13 1.000 1.000 1.000
## Item15       -268.616       -254.764      -302.847       27.705      96.166        9      13 0.712 0.584 0.785
##          TLI   CFI RMSEA     AIC     CAIC      BIC
## Item01 0.232 0.468 0.093  29.978   -7.972   -7.954
## Item02 0.359 0.556 0.086  23.853  -14.097  -14.079
## Item03 1.000 1.000 0.000 -64.037 -101.987 -101.969
## Item04 0.744 0.822 0.073  14.928  -23.022  -23.004
## Item05 0.352 0.552 0.083  21.819  -16.130  -16.112
## Item06 0.762 0.835 0.053   3.644  -34.305  -34.287
## Item07 0.625 0.740 0.086  23.997  -13.952  -13.934
## Item08 1.000 1.000 0.000 -12.517  -50.466  -50.448
## Item09 1.000 1.000 0.000 -30.484  -68.433  -68.415
## Item10 0.179 0.432 0.080  19.574  -18.375  -18.357
## Item11 1.000 1.000 0.000 -91.767 -129.716 -129.698
## Item12 0.740 0.820 0.076  17.020  -20.930  -20.912
## Item13 0.973 0.981 0.022  -6.768  -44.717  -44.699
## Item14 1.000 1.000 0.000 -20.969  -58.919  -58.901
## Item15 0.675 0.775 0.065   9.705  -28.244  -28.226
## Model Fit Indices
## Number of Latent class: 5
## Number of EM cycle: 73 
##                    value
## model_log_like -3663.994
## bench_log_like -3560.005
## null_log_like  -4350.217
## model_Chi_sq     207.977
## null_Chi_sq     1580.424
## model_df         135.000
## null_df          195.000
## NFI                0.868
## RFI                0.810
## IFI                0.950
## TLI                0.924
## CFI                0.947
## RMSEA              0.033
## AIC              -62.023
## CAIC            -631.265
## BIC             -630.995


result.LCA <- LCA(J15S500, ncls = 5)
##      Membership 1 Membership 2 Membership 3 Membership 4 Membership 5 Estimate
## [1,] 0.7839477684  0.171152798  0.004141844 4.075759e-02 3.744590e-12        1
## [2,] 0.0347378747  0.051502214  0.836022799 7.773694e-02 1.698776e-07        3
## [3,] 0.0146307878  0.105488644  0.801853496 3.343026e-02 4.459682e-02        3
## [4,] 0.0017251650  0.023436459  0.329648386 3.656488e-01 2.795412e-01        4
## [5,] 0.2133830569  0.784162066  0.001484616 2.492073e-08 9.702355e-04        2
## [6,] 0.0003846482  0.001141448  0.001288901 8.733869e-01 1.237981e-01        4


plot(result.LCA, type = "IRP", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)

plot(result.LCA, type = "CMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)

plot(result.LCA, type = "TRP")

plot(result.LCA, type = "LCD")



LRA(J15S500, nrank = 6)
## estimating method is  GTMItem Reference Profile
##          IRP1   IRP2  IRP3  IRP4  IRP5  IRP6
## Item01 0.5851 0.6319 0.708 0.787 0.853 0.898
## Item02 0.5247 0.6290 0.755 0.845 0.883 0.875
## Item03 0.6134 0.6095 0.708 0.773 0.801 0.839
## Item04 0.4406 0.6073 0.794 0.882 0.939 0.976
## Item05 0.6465 0.7452 0.821 0.837 0.862 0.905
## Item06 0.6471 0.7748 0.911 0.967 0.963 0.915
## Item07 0.4090 0.5177 0.720 0.840 0.890 0.900
## Item08 0.3375 0.4292 0.602 0.713 0.735 0.698
## Item09 0.3523 0.3199 0.298 0.282 0.377 0.542
## Item10 0.4996 0.5793 0.686 0.729 0.717 0.753
## Item11 0.0958 0.0793 0.136 0.286 0.472 0.617
## Item12 0.0648 0.0982 0.156 0.239 0.421 0.636
## Item13 0.2908 0.4842 0.715 0.773 0.750 0.778
## Item14 0.4835 0.5949 0.729 0.849 0.933 0.977
## Item15 0.3981 0.5745 0.756 0.827 0.835 0.834
## Item Reference Profile Indices
##        Alpha      A Beta     B Gamma        C
## Item01     3 0.0786    1 0.585   0.0  0.00000
## Item02     2 0.1264    1 0.525   0.2 -0.00787
## Item03     2 0.0987    2 0.610   0.2 -0.00391
## Item04     2 0.1864    1 0.441   0.0  0.00000
## Item05     1 0.0987    1 0.647   0.0  0.00000
## Item06     2 0.1362    1 0.647   0.4 -0.05198
## Item07     2 0.2028    2 0.518   0.0  0.00000
## Item08     2 0.1731    2 0.429   0.2 -0.03676
## Item09     5 0.1646    6 0.542   0.6 -0.07002
## Item10     2 0.1069    1 0.500   0.2 -0.01244
## Item11     4 0.1867    5 0.472   0.2 -0.01650
## Item12     5 0.2146    5 0.421   0.0  0.00000
## Item13     2 0.2310    2 0.484   0.2 -0.02341
## Item14     2 0.1336    1 0.484   0.0  0.00000
## Item15     2 0.1817    2 0.574   0.2 -0.00123
## Test Profile
##                               Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
## Test Reference Profile          6.389   7.675   9.496  10.631  11.432  12.144
## Latent Class Ditribution       96.000  60.000  91.000  77.000  73.000 103.000
## Class Membership Distribution  83.755  78.691  81.853  84.918  84.238  86.545
## Item Fit Indices
##        model_log_like bench_log_like null_log_like model_Chi_sq null_Chi_sq model_df null_df   NFI   RFI   IFI
## Item01       -264.495       -240.190      -283.343       48.611      86.307    9.233      13 0.437 0.207 0.489
## Item02       -253.141       -235.436      -278.949       35.409      87.025    9.233      13 0.593 0.427 0.664
## Item03       -282.785       -260.906      -293.598       43.758      65.383    9.233      13 0.331 0.058 0.385
## Item04       -207.082       -192.072      -265.962       30.021     147.780    9.233      13 0.797 0.714 0.850
## Item05       -234.902       -206.537      -247.403       56.730      81.732    9.233      13 0.306 0.023 0.345
## Item06       -168.218       -153.940      -198.817       28.556      89.755    9.233      13 0.682 0.552 0.760
## Item07       -250.864       -228.379      -298.345       44.970     139.933    9.233      13 0.679 0.548 0.727
## Item08       -312.621       -293.225      -338.789       38.791      91.127    9.233      13 0.574 0.401 0.639
## Item09       -317.600       -300.492      -327.842       34.216      54.700    9.233      13 0.374 0.119 0.451
## Item10       -309.654       -288.198      -319.850       42.910      63.303    9.233      13 0.322 0.046 0.377
## Item11       -242.821       -224.085      -299.265       37.472     150.360    9.233      13 0.751 0.649 0.800
## Item12       -236.522       -214.797      -293.598       43.451     157.603    9.233      13 0.724 0.612 0.769
## Item13       -287.782       -262.031      -328.396       51.502     132.730    9.233      13 0.612 0.454 0.658
## Item14       -221.702       -204.953      -273.212       33.499     136.519    9.233      13 0.755 0.654 0.809
## Item15       -267.793       -254.764      -302.847       26.059      96.166    9.233      13 0.729 0.618 0.806
##          TLI   CFI RMSEA    AIC    CAIC     BIC
## Item01 0.244 0.463 0.092 30.146  -8.785  -8.767
## Item02 0.502 0.646 0.075 16.944 -21.987 -21.969
## Item03 0.072 0.341 0.087 25.293 -13.638 -13.620
## Item04 0.783 0.846 0.067 11.555 -27.375 -27.357
## Item05 0.027 0.309 0.102 38.264  -0.667  -0.648
## Item06 0.646 0.748 0.065 10.091 -28.840 -28.822
## Item07 0.604 0.718 0.088 26.504 -12.427 -12.408
## Item08 0.467 0.622 0.080 20.326 -18.605 -18.587
## Item09 0.156 0.401 0.074 15.751 -23.180 -23.162
## Item10 0.057 0.330 0.085 24.445 -14.486 -14.467
## Item11 0.711 0.794 0.078 19.006 -19.925 -19.906
## Item12 0.667 0.763 0.086 24.985 -13.946 -13.927
## Item13 0.503 0.647 0.096 33.037  -5.894  -5.875
## Item14 0.723 0.804 0.073 15.034 -23.897 -23.879
## Item15 0.715 0.798 0.060  7.593 -31.338 -31.319
## Model Fit Indices
## Number of Latent class: 6
## Number of EM cycle: 17 
##                    value
## model_log_like -3857.982
## bench_log_like -3560.005
## null_log_like  -4350.217
## model_Chi_sq     595.954
## null_Chi_sq     1580.424
## model_df         138.491
## null_df          195.000
## NFI                0.623
## RFI                0.469
## IFI                0.683
## TLI                0.535
## CFI                0.670
## RMSEA              0.081
## AIC              318.973
## CAIC            -264.989
## BIC             -264.712


result.LRA <- LRA(J15S500, nrank = 6)
##            Membership 1 Membership 2 Membership 3 Membership 4 Membership 5 Membership 6 Estimate Rank-Up Odds
## Student001 0.2704649921  0.357479353   0.27632327  0.084988078  0.010069050 0.0006752546        2    0.7729769
## Student002 0.0276546965  0.157616072   0.47438958  0.279914853  0.053715813 0.0067089816        3    0.5900527
## Student003 0.0228189795  0.138860955   0.37884545  0.284817610  0.120794858 0.0538621490        3    0.7518042
## Student004 0.0020140858  0.015608542   0.09629429  0.216973334  0.362406292 0.3067034562        5    0.8462973
## Student005 0.5582996437  0.397431414   0.03841668  0.003365601  0.001443909 0.0010427491        1    0.7118604
## Student006 0.0003866603  0.003168853   0.04801344  0.248329964  0.428747502 0.2713535842        5    0.6328983
##            Rank-Down Odds
## Student001      0.7565891
## Student002      0.3322503
## Student003      0.3665372
## Student004      0.5987019
## Student005             NA
## Student006      0.5791986
plot(result.LRA, type = "IRP", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)

plot(result.LRA, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)

plot(result.LRA, type = "TRP")

plot(result.LRA, type = "LRD")



Biclustering(J35S515, nfld = 5, ncls = 6, method = "B")
## Biclustering is chosen.
## iter 1 logLik -7966.66iter 2 logLik -7442.38iter 3 logLik -7266.35iter 4 logLik -7151.01iter 5 logLik -7023.94iter 6 logLik -6984.82iter 7 logLik -6950.27iter 8 logLik -6939.34iter 9 logLik -6930.89iter 10 logLik -6923.5iter 11 logLik -6914.56iter 12 logLik -6908.89iter 13 logLik -6906.84iter 14 logLik -6905.39iter 15 logLik -6904.24iter 16 logLik -6903.28iter 17 logLik -6902.41iter 18 logLik -6901.58iter 19 logLik -6900.74iter 20 logLik -6899.86iter 21 logLik -6898.9iter 22 logLik -6897.84iter 23 logLik -6896.66iter 24 logLik -6895.35iter 25 logLik -6893.92iter 26 logLik -6892.4iter 27 logLik -6890.85iter 28 logLik -6889.32iter 29 logLik -6887.9iter 30 logLik -6886.66iter 31 logLik -6885.67iter 32 logLik -6884.98iter 33 logLik -6884.58iter 33 logLik -6884.58
## Bicluster Matrix Profile
##        Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6
## Field1 0.6236 0.8636 0.8718  0.898  0.952  1.000
## Field2 0.0627 0.3332 0.4255  0.919  0.990  1.000
## Field3 0.2008 0.5431 0.2281  0.475  0.706  1.000
## Field4 0.0495 0.2455 0.0782  0.233  0.648  0.983
## Field5 0.0225 0.0545 0.0284  0.043  0.160  0.983
## Field Reference Profile Indices
##        Alpha     A Beta     B Gamma       C
## Field1     1 0.240    1 0.624   0.0  0.0000
## Field2     3 0.493    3 0.426   0.0  0.0000
## Field3     1 0.342    4 0.475   0.2 -0.3149
## Field4     4 0.415    5 0.648   0.2 -0.1673
## Field5     5 0.823    5 0.160   0.2 -0.0261
##                               Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
## Test Reference Profile          4.431  11.894   8.598  16.002  23.326  34.713
## Latent Class Ditribution      157.000  64.000  82.000 106.000  89.000  17.000
## Class Membership Distribution 146.105  73.232  85.753 106.414  86.529  16.968
## Latent Field Distribution
##            Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
## N of Items       3       8       7      10       7
## Model Fit Indices
## Number of Latent Class : 6
## Number of Latent Field: 5
## Number of EM cycle: 33 
##                    value
## model_log_like -6884.582
## bench_log_like -5891.314
## null_log_like  -9862.114
## model_Chi_sq    1986.535
## null_Chi_sq     7941.601
## model_df        1160.000
## null_df         1155.000
## NFI                0.750
## RFI                0.751
## IFI                0.878
## TLI                0.879
## CFI                0.878
## RMSEA              0.037
## AIC             -333.465
## CAIC           -5258.949
## BIC            -5256.699
result.Ranklustering <- Biclustering(J35S515, nfld = 5, ncls = 6, method = "R")
## Ranklustering is chosen.
## iter 1 logLik -8097.56iter 2 logLik -7669.21iter 3 logLik -7586.72iter 4 logLik -7568.24iter 5 logLik -7561.02iter 6 logLik -7557.34iter 7 logLik -7557.36iter 7 logLik -7557.36
## Strongly ordinal alignment condition was satisfied.
plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "Array")

plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "FRP", nc = 2, nr = 3)

plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)

plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "LRD")


result.IRM <- IRM(J35S515, gamma_c = 1, gamma_f = 1, verbose = TRUE)
## iter 1 Exact match count of field elements. 0 nfld 15 ncls 30
## iter 2 Exact match count of field elements. 0 nfld 12 ncls 27
## iter 3 Exact match count of field elements. 1 nfld 12 ncls 24
## iter 4 Exact match count of field elements. 2 nfld 12 ncls 23
## iter 5 Exact match count of field elements. 3 nfld 12 ncls 23
## iter 6 Exact match count of field elements. 0 nfld 12 ncls 23
## iter 7 Exact match count of field elements. 1 nfld 12 ncls 23
## iter 8 Exact match count of field elements. 2 nfld 12 ncls 23
## iter 9 Exact match count of field elements. 3 nfld 12 ncls 21
## iter 10 Exact match count of field elements. 4 nfld 12 ncls 21
## iter 11 Exact match count of field elements. 5 nfld 12 ncls 21
## The minimum class member count is under the setting value.
## bic -99592.5 nclass 21
## The minimum class member count is under the setting value.
## bic -99980.4 nclass 20
## The minimum class member count is under the setting value.
## bic -99959.7 nclass 19
## The minimum class member count is under the setting value.
## bic -99988.3 nclass 18
## The minimum class member count is under the setting value.
## bic -100001 nclass 17
plot(result.IRM, type = "Array")

plot(result.IRM, type = "FRP", nc = 3)

plot(result.IRM, type = "TRP")






DAG <-
      "Item01", "Item02",
      "Item02", "Item03",
      "Item02", "Item04",
      "Item03", "Item05",
      "Item04", "Item05"
    ncol = 2, byrow = T
## graph object
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(DAG)
## IGRAPH ac6578f DN-- 5 5 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from ac6578f (vertex names):
## [1] Item01->Item02 Item02->Item03 Item02->Item04 Item03->Item05 Item04->Item05
## Adjacency matrix
adj_mat <- as.matrix(igraph::get.adjacency(g))
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05
## Item01      0      1      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      1      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      1
## Item04      0      0      0      0      1
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0


## From,To
## Item01,Item02
## Item02,Item03
## Item02,Item04
## Item03,Item05
## Item04,Item05



result.BNM <- BNM(J5S10, adj_matrix = adj_mat)
## Adjacency Matrix
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05
## Item01      0      1      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      1      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      1
## Item04      0      0      0      0      1
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0
## [1] "Your graph is an acyclic graph."
## [1] "Your graph is connected DAG."

## Parameter Learning
##        PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4
## Item01  0.600                     
## Item02  0.250    0.5              
## Item03  0.833    1.0              
## Item04  0.167    0.5              
## Item05  0.000    NaN  0.333  0.667
## Conditional Correct Response Rate
##    Child Item N of Parents   Parent Items       PIRP Conditional CRR
## 1      Item01            0     No Parents No Pattern       0.6000000
## 2      Item02            1         Item01          0       0.2500000
## 3      Item02            1         Item01          1       0.5000000
## 4      Item03            1         Item02          0       0.8333333
## 5      Item03            1         Item02          1       1.0000000
## 6      Item04            1         Item02          0       0.1666667
## 7      Item04            1         Item02          1       0.5000000
## 8      Item05            2 Item03, Item04         00       0.0000000
## 9      Item05            2 Item03, Item04         01        NaN(0/0)
## 10     Item05            2 Item03, Item04         10       0.3333333
## 11     Item05            2 Item03, Item04         11       0.6666667
## Model Fit Indices
##                  value
## model_log_like -26.411
## bench_log_like  -8.935
## null_log_like  -28.882
## model_Chi_sq    34.953
## null_Chi_sq     39.894
## model_df        20.000
## null_df         25.000
## NFI              0.124
## RFI              0.000
## IFI              0.248
## TLI              0.000
## CFI              0.000
## RMSEA            0.288
## AIC             -5.047
## CAIC           -13.005
## BIC            -11.099


この関数は、遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いてデータに適したDAGを探索します。最適なDAGが必ずしも特定されるわけではありません。ノードとエッジのすべての組み合わせを探索する代わりに、正答率によって位相的にソートされた空間、すなわち隣接行列の上三角部分のみを探索します。解釈可能性のために、親ノードの数は制限されるべきです。ヌルモデルは提案されません。項目の内容と質問者の経験を活用して結果を解釈することが推奨されます。詳細については、テキスト(荘島, 2022)の8.5節を参照してください。


  population = 20, Rs = 0.5, Rm = 0.002, maxParents = 2,
  maxGeneration = 100, crossover = 2, elitism = 2
## Adjacency Matrix
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05
## Item01      0      0      0      1      0
## Item02      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0
## [1] "Your graph is an acyclic graph."
## [1] "Your graph is connected DAG."

## Parameter Learning
##        PIRP 1 PIRP 2
## Item01    0.6       
## Item02    0.4       
## Item03    0.9       
## Item04    0.0    0.5
## Item05    0.4       
## Conditional Correct Response Rate
##   Child Item N of Parents Parent Items       PIRP Conditional CRR
## 1     Item01            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.6000000
## 2     Item02            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.4000000
## 3     Item03            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.9000000
## 4     Item04            1       Item01          0       0.0000000
## 5     Item04            1       Item01          1       0.5000000
## 6     Item05            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.4000000
## Model Fit Indices
##                  value
## model_log_like -26.959
## bench_log_like  -8.935
## null_log_like  -28.882
## model_Chi_sq    36.048
## null_Chi_sq     39.894
## model_df        24.000
## null_df         25.000
## NFI              0.096
## RFI              0.059
## IFI              0.242
## TLI              0.157
## CFI              0.191
## RMSEA            0.236
## AIC            -11.952
## CAIC           -21.502
## BIC            -19.214


  population = 20, Rs = 0.5, Rm = 0.005, maxParents = 2,
  alpha = 0.05, estimate = 4
## Adjacency Matrix
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05
## Item01      0      0      0      1      0
## Item02      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0
## [1] "Your graph is an acyclic graph."
## [1] "Your graph is connected DAG."

## Parameter Learning
##        PIRP 1 PIRP 2
## Item01    0.6       
## Item02    0.4       
## Item03    0.9       
## Item04    0.0    0.5
## Item05    0.4       
## Conditional Correct Response Rate
##   Child Item N of Parents Parent Items       PIRP Conditional CRR
## 1     Item01            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.6000000
## 2     Item02            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.4000000
## 3     Item03            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.9000000
## 4     Item04            1       Item01          0       0.0000000
## 5     Item04            1       Item01          1       0.5000000
## 6     Item05            0   No Parents No Pattern       0.4000000
## Model Fit Indices
##                  value
## model_log_like -26.959
## bench_log_like  -8.935
## null_log_like  -28.882
## model_Chi_sq    36.048
## null_Chi_sq     39.894
## model_df        24.000
## null_df         25.000
## NFI              0.096
## RFI              0.059
## IFI              0.242
## TLI              0.157
## CFI              0.191
## RMSEA            0.236
## AIC            -11.952
## CAIC           -21.502
## BIC            -19.214




DAG_dat <- matrix(c(
  "From", "To", "Rank",
  "Item01", "Item02", 1,
  "Item04", "Item05", 1,
  "Item01", "Item02", 2,
  "Item02", "Item03", 2,
  "Item04", "Item05", 2,
  "Item08", "Item09", 2,
  "Item08", "Item10", 2,
  "Item09", "Item10", 2,
  "Item08", "Item11", 2,
  "Item01", "Item02", 3,
  "Item02", "Item03", 3,
  "Item04", "Item05", 3,
  "Item08", "Item09", 3,
  "Item08", "Item10", 3,
  "Item09", "Item10", 3,
  "Item08", "Item11", 3,
  "Item02", "Item03", 4,
  "Item04", "Item06", 4,
  "Item04", "Item07", 4,
  "Item05", "Item06", 4,
  "Item05", "Item07", 4,
  "Item08", "Item10", 4,
  "Item08", "Item11", 4,
  "Item09", "Item11", 4,
  "Item02", "Item03", 5,
  "Item04", "Item06", 5,
  "Item04", "Item07", 5,
  "Item05", "Item06", 5,
  "Item05", "Item07", 5,
  "Item09", "Item11", 5,
  "Item10", "Item11", 5,
  "Item10", "Item12", 5
), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

# save csv file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(DAG_dat, edgeFile, row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)


g_csv <- read.csv(edgeFile)
colnames(g_csv) <- c("From", "To", "Rank")
adj_list <- list()
g_list <- list()
for (i in 1:5) {
  adj_R <- g_csv[g_csv$Rank == i, 1:2]
  g_tmp <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_R)
  adj_tmp <- igraph::get.adjacency(g_tmp)
  g_list[[i]] <- g_tmp
  adj_list[[i]] <- adj_tmp
## Example of graph list
## [[1]]
## IGRAPH 49a592b DN-- 4 2 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from 49a592b (vertex names):
## [1] Item01->Item02 Item04->Item05
## [[2]]
## IGRAPH 073be01 DN-- 9 7 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from 073be01 (vertex names):
## [1] Item01->Item02 Item02->Item03 Item04->Item05 Item08->Item09 Item08->Item10 Item09->Item10 Item08->Item11
## [[3]]
## IGRAPH a9e16e4 DN-- 9 7 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from a9e16e4 (vertex names):
## [1] Item01->Item02 Item02->Item03 Item04->Item05 Item08->Item09 Item08->Item10 Item09->Item10 Item08->Item11
## [[4]]
## IGRAPH 8d71beb DN-- 10 8 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from 8d71beb (vertex names):
## [1] Item02->Item03 Item04->Item06 Item04->Item07 Item05->Item06 Item05->Item07 Item08->Item10 Item08->Item11
## [8] Item09->Item11
## [[5]]
## IGRAPH 192875c DN-- 10 8 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from 192875c (vertex names):
## [1] Item02->Item03 Item04->Item06 Item04->Item07 Item05->Item06 Item05->Item07 Item09->Item11 Item10->Item11
## [8] Item10->Item12
### Example of adjacency list
## [[1]]
## 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##        Item01 Item04 Item02 Item05
## Item01      .      .      1      .
## Item04      .      .      .      1
## Item02      .      .      .      .
## Item05      .      .      .      .
## [[2]]
## 9 x 9 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##        Item01 Item02 Item04 Item08 Item09 Item03 Item05 Item10 Item11
## Item01      .      1      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item02      .      .      .      .      .      1      .      .      .
## Item04      .      .      .      .      .      .      1      .      .
## Item08      .      .      .      .      1      .      .      1      1
## Item09      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      1      .
## Item03      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item05      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item10      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item11      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## [[3]]
## 9 x 9 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##        Item01 Item02 Item04 Item08 Item09 Item03 Item05 Item10 Item11
## Item01      .      1      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item02      .      .      .      .      .      1      .      .      .
## Item04      .      .      .      .      .      .      1      .      .
## Item08      .      .      .      .      1      .      .      1      1
## Item09      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      1      .
## Item03      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item05      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item10      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## Item11      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
## [[4]]
## 10 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## Item02 . . . . . 1 . . . .
## Item04 . . . . . . 1 1 . .
## Item05 . . . . . . 1 1 . .
## Item08 . . . . . . . . 1 1
## Item09 . . . . . . . . . 1
## Item03 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item06 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item07 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item10 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item11 . . . . . . . . . .
## [[5]]
## 10 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## Item02 . . . . . 1 . . . .
## Item04 . . . . . . 1 1 . .
## Item05 . . . . . . 1 1 . .
## Item09 . . . . . . . . 1 .
## Item10 . . . . . . . . 1 1
## Item03 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item06 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item07 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item11 . . . . . . . . . .
## Item12 . . . . . . . . . .


result.LDLRA <- LDLRA(J12S5000,
  ncls = 5,
  adj_file = edgeFile
## Adjacency Matrix
## [[1]]
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05 Item06 Item07 Item08 Item09 Item10 Item11 Item12
## Item01      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item06      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item07      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item08      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item09      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item10      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item11      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item12      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## [[2]]
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05 Item06 Item07 Item08 Item09 Item10 Item11 Item12
## Item01      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item06      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item07      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item08      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      1      0
## Item09      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      0
## Item10      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item11      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item12      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## [[3]]
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05 Item06 Item07 Item08 Item09 Item10 Item11 Item12
## Item01      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item06      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item07      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item08      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      1      0
## Item09      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      0
## Item10      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item11      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item12      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## [[4]]
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05 Item06 Item07 Item08 Item09 Item10 Item11 Item12
## Item01      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      0      0      0      0      0
## Item06      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item07      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item08      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      0
## Item09      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0
## Item10      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item11      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item12      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## [[5]]
##        Item01 Item02 Item03 Item04 Item05 Item06 Item07 Item08 Item09 Item10 Item11 Item12
## Item01      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item02      0      0      1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item03      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item04      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      0      0      0      0      0
## Item05      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      0      0      0      0      0
## Item06      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item07      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item08      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item09      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0
## Item10      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      1
## Item11      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## Item12      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0

## Parameter Learning
##      Item Rank PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4
## 1  Item01    1  0.456                     
## 2  Item02    1  0.030  0.444              
## 3  Item03    1  0.083                     
## 4  Item04    1  0.421                     
## 5  Item05    1  0.101  0.240              
## 6  Item06    1  0.025                     
## 7  Item07    1  0.016                     
## 8  Item08    1  0.286                     
## 9  Item09    1  0.326                     
## 10 Item10    1  0.181                     
## 11 Item11    1  0.106                     
## 12 Item12    1  0.055                     
## 13 Item01    2  0.549                     
## 14 Item02    2  0.035  0.568              
## 15 Item03    2  0.020  0.459              
## 16 Item04    2  0.495                     
## 17 Item05    2  0.148  0.351              
## 18 Item06    2  0.066                     
## 19 Item07    2  0.045                     
## 20 Item08    2  0.407                     
## 21 Item09    2  0.264  0.734              
## 22 Item10    2  0.081  0.133  0.159  0.745
## 23 Item11    2  0.041  0.445              
## 24 Item12    2  0.086                     
## 25 Item01    3  0.683                     
## 26 Item02    3  0.040  0.728              
## 27 Item03    3  0.032  0.617              
## 28 Item04    3  0.612                     
## 29 Item05    3  0.227  0.556              
## 30 Item06    3  0.205                     
## 31 Item07    3  0.156                     
## 32 Item08    3  0.581                     
## 33 Item09    3  0.330  0.845              
## 34 Item10    3  0.092  0.160  0.211  0.843
## 35 Item11    3  0.056  0.636              
## 36 Item12    3  0.152                     
## 37 Item01    4  0.836                     
## 38 Item02    4  0.720                     
## 39 Item03    4  0.058  0.713              
## 40 Item04    4  0.740                     
## 41 Item05    4  0.635                     
## 42 Item06    4  0.008  0.105  0.023  0.684
## 43 Item07    4  0.010  0.031  0.039  0.542
## 44 Item08    4  0.760                     
## 45 Item09    4  0.805                     
## 46 Item10    4  0.150  0.844              
## 47 Item11    4  0.064  0.124  0.105  0.825
## 48 Item12    4  0.227                     
## 49 Item01    5  0.931                     
## 50 Item02    5  0.869                     
## 51 Item03    5  0.099  0.789              
## 52 Item04    5  0.846                     
## 53 Item05    5  0.811                     
## 54 Item06    5  0.015  0.125  0.040  0.788
## 55 Item07    5  0.016  0.034  0.064  0.650
## 56 Item08    5  0.880                     
## 57 Item09    5  0.912                     
## 58 Item10    5  0.825                     
## 59 Item11    5  0.082  0.190  0.216  0.915
## 60 Item12    5  0.153  0.341              
## Conditional Correct Response Rate
##     Child Item Rank N of Parents   Parent Items       PIRP Conditional CRR
## 1       Item01    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.45558
## 2       Item02    1            1         Item01          0         0.03025
## 3       Item02    1            1         Item01          1         0.44394
## 4       Item03    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.08278
## 5       Item04    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.42148
## 6       Item05    1            1         Item04          0         0.10127
## 7       Item05    1            1         Item04          1         0.24025
## 8       Item06    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.02499
## 9       Item07    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.01574
## 10      Item08    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.28642
## 11      Item09    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.32630
## 12      Item10    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.18092
## 13      Item11    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.10575
## 14      Item12    1            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.05523
## 15      Item01    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.54940
## 16      Item02    2            1         Item01          0         0.03471
## 17      Item02    2            1         Item01          1         0.56821
## 18      Item03    2            1         Item02          0         0.02016
## 19      Item03    2            1         Item02          1         0.45853
## 20      Item04    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.49508
## 21      Item05    2            1         Item04          0         0.14771
## 22      Item05    2            1         Item04          1         0.35073
## 23      Item06    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.06647
## 24      Item07    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.04491
## 25      Item08    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.40721
## 26      Item09    2            1         Item08          0         0.26431
## 27      Item09    2            1         Item08          1         0.73427
## 28      Item10    2            2 Item08, Item09         00         0.08098
## 29      Item10    2            2 Item08, Item09         01         0.13279
## 30      Item10    2            2 Item08, Item09         10         0.15937
## 31      Item10    2            2 Item08, Item09         11         0.74499
## 32      Item11    2            1         Item08          0         0.04094
## 33      Item11    2            1         Item08          1         0.44457
## 34      Item12    2            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.08574
## 35      Item01    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.68342
## 36      Item02    3            1         Item01          0         0.04020
## 37      Item02    3            1         Item01          1         0.72757
## 38      Item03    3            1         Item02          0         0.03175
## 39      Item03    3            1         Item02          1         0.61691
## 40      Item04    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.61195
## 41      Item05    3            1         Item04          0         0.22705
## 42      Item05    3            1         Item04          1         0.55588
## 43      Item06    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.20488
## 44      Item07    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.15633
## 45      Item08    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.58065
## 46      Item09    3            1         Item08          0         0.32967
## 47      Item09    3            1         Item08          1         0.84549
## 48      Item10    3            2 Item08, Item09         00         0.09192
## 49      Item10    3            2 Item08, Item09         01         0.15977
## 50      Item10    3            2 Item08, Item09         10         0.21087
## 51      Item10    3            2 Item08, Item09         11         0.84330
## 52      Item11    3            1         Item08          0         0.05581
## 53      Item11    3            1         Item08          1         0.63598
## 54      Item12    3            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.15169
## 55      Item01    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.83557
## 56      Item02    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.71950
## 57      Item03    4            1         Item02          0         0.05808
## 58      Item03    4            1         Item02          1         0.71297
## 59      Item04    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.73957
## 60      Item05    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.63526
## 61      Item06    4            2 Item04, Item05         00         0.00816
## 62      Item06    4            2 Item04, Item05         01         0.10474
## 63      Item06    4            2 Item04, Item05         10         0.02265
## 64      Item06    4            2 Item04, Item05         11         0.68419
## 65      Item07    4            2 Item04, Item05         00         0.00984
## 66      Item07    4            2 Item04, Item05         01         0.03091
## 67      Item07    4            2 Item04, Item05         10         0.03850
## 68      Item07    4            2 Item04, Item05         11         0.54195
## 69      Item08    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.75976
## 70      Item09    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.80490
## 71      Item10    4            1         Item08          0         0.14956
## 72      Item10    4            1         Item08          1         0.84430
## 73      Item11    4            2 Item08, Item09         00         0.06376
## 74      Item11    4            2 Item08, Item09         01         0.12384
## 75      Item11    4            2 Item08, Item09         10         0.10494
## 76      Item11    4            2 Item08, Item09         11         0.82451
## 77      Item12    4            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.22688
## 78      Item01    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.93131
## 79      Item02    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.86923
## 80      Item03    5            1         Item02          0         0.09865
## 81      Item03    5            1         Item02          1         0.78854
## 82      Item04    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.84621
## 83      Item05    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.81118
## 84      Item06    5            2 Item04, Item05         00         0.01452
## 85      Item06    5            2 Item04, Item05         01         0.12528
## 86      Item06    5            2 Item04, Item05         10         0.04000
## 87      Item06    5            2 Item04, Item05         11         0.78805
## 88      Item07    5            2 Item04, Item05         00         0.01570
## 89      Item07    5            2 Item04, Item05         01         0.03361
## 90      Item07    5            2 Item04, Item05         10         0.06363
## 91      Item07    5            2 Item04, Item05         11         0.65039
## 92      Item08    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.88028
## 93      Item09    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.91209
## 94      Item10    5            0     No Parents No Pattern         0.82476
## 95      Item11    5            2 Item09, Item10         00         0.08248
## 96      Item11    5            2 Item09, Item10         01         0.18951
## 97      Item11    5            2 Item09, Item10         10         0.21590
## 98      Item11    5            2 Item09, Item10         11         0.91466
## 99      Item12    5            1         Item10          0         0.15301
## 100     Item12    5            1         Item10          1         0.34114
## Marginal Item Reference Profile
##        Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
## Item01 0.4556 0.5494  0.683  0.836  0.931
## Item02 0.2099 0.2964  0.474  0.720  0.869
## Item03 0.0828 0.1397  0.316  0.554  0.741
## Item04 0.4215 0.4951  0.612  0.740  0.846
## Item05 0.1555 0.2393  0.432  0.635  0.811
## Item06 0.0250 0.0665  0.205  0.385  0.631
## Item07 0.0157 0.0449  0.156  0.304  0.517
## Item08 0.2864 0.4072  0.581  0.760  0.880
## Item09 0.3263 0.4409  0.624  0.805  0.912
## Item10 0.1809 0.2977  0.498  0.650  0.825
## Item11 0.1057 0.1926  0.387  0.565  0.808
## Item12 0.0552 0.0857  0.152  0.227  0.317
## IRP Indices
##        Alpha          A Beta         B Gamma C
## Item01     3 0.15215133    1 0.4555806     0 0
## Item02     3 0.24578705    3 0.4737140     0 0
## Item03     3 0.23808314    4 0.5544465     0 0
## Item04     3 0.12762155    2 0.4950757     0 0
## Item05     3 0.20322441    3 0.4320364     0 0
## Item06     4 0.24595102    4 0.3851075     0 0
## Item07     4 0.21361675    5 0.5173874     0 0
## Item08     3 0.17910918    3 0.5806476     0 0
## Item09     2 0.18320368    2 0.4408936     0 0
## Item10     2 0.20070396    3 0.4984108     0 0
## Item11     4 0.24332189    4 0.5650492     0 0
## Item12     4 0.09047482    5 0.3173548     0 0
## [1] "Strongly ordinal alignment condition was satisfied."
## Test reference Profile and Latent Rank Distribution
##                                Rank 1   Rank 2  Rank 3  Rank 4   Rank 5
## Test Reference Profile          2.321    3.255   5.121   7.179    9.090
## Latent Rank Ditribution      1829.000  593.000 759.000 569.000 1250.000
## Rank Membership Distribution 1121.838 1087.855 873.796 835.528 1080.983
## [1] "Weakly ordinal alignment condition was satisfied."
## Model Fit Indices
##                     value
## model_log_like -26657.783
## bench_log_like -21318.465
## null_log_like  -37736.228
## model_Chi_sq    10678.636
## null_Chi_sq     32835.527
## model_df           56.000
## null_df           144.000
## NFI                 0.675
## RFI                 0.164
## IFI                 0.676
## TLI                 0.164
## CFI                 0.675
## RMSEA               0.195
## AIC             10566.636
## CAIC            10201.662
## BIC             10201.673


plot(result.LDLRA, type = "IRP", nc = 4, nr = 3)

plot(result.LDLRA, type = "TRP")

plot(result.LDLRA, type = "LRD")



result.LDLRA.PBIL <- StrLearningPBIL_LDLRA(J35S515,
  seed = 123,
  ncls = 5,
  method = "R",
  elitism = 1,
  successiveLimit = 15


局所依存バイクラスタリングは、バイクラスタリングとベイジアンネットワークモデルを組み合わせたものです。このモデルには3つの主要な要素が必要です: - 潜在クラス/ランクの数 - 項目のフィールド割り当て - 各ランクにおけるフィールド間のネットワーク構造


# Create field configuration vector (assign items to fields)
conf <- c(1, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7, 7, 5, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 10, 1, 1, 7, 9, 10)

# Create edge data for network structure between fields
edges_data <- data.frame(
  "From Field (Parent) >>>" = c(
    6, 4, 5, 1, 1, 4, # Class/Rank 2
    3, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, # Class/Rank 3
    3, 6, 4, 1, # Class/Rank 4
    7, 9, 6, 7 # Class/Rank 5
  ">>> To Field (Child)" = c(
    8, 7, 8, 7, 2, 5, # Class/Rank 2
    5, 8, 8, 4, 6, 7, # Class/Rank 3
    5, 8, 5, 8, # Class/Rank 4
    10, 10, 8, 9 # Class/Rank 5
  "At Class/Rank (Locus)" = c(
    2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, # Class/Rank 2
    3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, # Class/Rank 3
    4, 4, 4, 4, # Class/Rank 4
    5, 5, 5, 5 # Class/Rank 5

# Save edge data to temporary file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(edges_data, file = edgeFile, row.names = FALSE)


result.LDB <- LDB(U = J35S515, ncls = 5, conf = conf, adj_file = edgeFile)
## Adjacency Matrix
## [[1]]
##         Field01 Field02 Field03 Field04 Field05 Field06 Field07 Field08 Field09 Field10
## Field01       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field02       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field03       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field04       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field05       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## [[2]]
##         Field01 Field02 Field03 Field04 Field05 Field06 Field07 Field08 Field09 Field10
## Field01       0       1       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0
## Field02       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field03       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field04       0       0       0       0       1       0       1       0       0       0
## Field05       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## [[3]]
##         Field01 Field02 Field03 Field04 Field05 Field06 Field07 Field08 Field09 Field10
## Field01       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field02       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field03       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0
## Field04       0       0       0       0       0       1       1       1       0       0
## Field05       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## [[4]]
##         Field01 Field02 Field03 Field04 Field05 Field06 Field07 Field08 Field09 Field10
## Field01       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field02       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field03       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0
## Field04       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0
## Field05       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## [[5]]
##         Field01 Field02 Field03 Field04 Field05 Field06 Field07 Field08 Field09 Field10
## Field01       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field02       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field03       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field04       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field05       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Field07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       1
## Field08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Field09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1
## Field10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0

## Parameter Learning
## Rank 1 
##         PIRP 0 PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4 PIRP 5 PIRP 6 PIRP 7 PIRP 8 PIRP 9 PIRP 10 PIRP 11 PIRP 12
## Field01 0.6538                                                                                       
## Field02 0.0756                                                                                       
## Field03 0.1835                                                                                       
## Field04 0.3819                                                                                       
## Field05 0.0500                                                                                       
## Field06 0.0985                                                                                       
## Field07 0.2176                                                                                       
## Field08 0.0608                                                                                       
## Field09 0.0563                                                                                       
## Field10 0.0237                                                                                       
## Rank 2 
##         PIRP 0 PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4 PIRP 5 PIRP 6 PIRP 7 PIRP 8 PIRP 9 PIRP 10 PIRP 11 PIRP 12
## Field01 0.8216                                                                                       
## Field02 0.1463 0.3181  0.383  0.597                                                                  
## Field03 0.3320                                                                                       
## Field04 0.4931                                                                                       
## Field05 0.1596 0.2552                                                                                
## Field06 0.2541                                                                                       
## Field07 0.1232 0.2926  0.217  0.306  0.376                                                           
## Field08 0.0648 0.0887  0.236  0.443  0.196  0.285  0.624                                             
## Field09 0.1101                                                                                       
## Field10 0.0359                                                                                       
## Rank 3 
##         PIRP 0 PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4 PIRP 5 PIRP 6 PIRP 7 PIRP 8 PIRP 9 PIRP 10 PIRP 11 PIRP 12
## Field01 0.8923                                                                                       
## Field02 0.8736                                                                                       
## Field03 0.8030                                                                                       
## Field04 0.4730  0.492  0.650                                                                         
## Field05 0.2732  0.319  0.714                                                                         
## Field06 0.4025  0.486                                                                                
## Field07 0.3162  0.408                                                                                
## Field08 0.1028  0.166  0.177  0.439   0.59                                                           
## Field09 0.1799                                                                                       
## Field10 0.0431                                                                                       
## Rank 4 
##          PIRP 0   PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4 PIRP 5 PIRP 6 PIRP 7 PIRP 8 PIRP 9 PIRP 10 PIRP 11 PIRP 12
## Field01 0.91975                                                                                         
## Field02 0.97126                                                                                         
## Field03 0.96955                                                                                         
## Field04 0.70098                                                                                         
## Field05 0.28691 0.476702  0.911  0.952                                                                  
## Field06 0.72620                                                                                         
## Field07 0.48152                                                                                         
## Field08 0.00353 0.000122  0.370  0.370  0.401  0.532  0.779                                             
## Field09 0.36220                                                                                         
## Field10 0.08630                                                                                         
## Rank 5 
##         PIRP 0 PIRP 1 PIRP 2 PIRP 3 PIRP 4 PIRP 5 PIRP 6 PIRP 7 PIRP 8 PIRP 9 PIRP 10 PIRP 11 PIRP 12
## Field01 0.9627                                                                                       
## Field02 0.9959                                                                                       
## Field03 0.9947                                                                                       
## Field04 0.8654                                                                                       
## Field05 0.9939                                                                                       
## Field06 0.9178                                                                                       
## Field07 0.7334                                                                                       
## Field08 0.5109 0.4442 0.5939 0.9174                                                                  
## Field09 0.4062 0.5193 0.6496 0.6786  0.851                                                           
## Field10 0.0874 0.0278 0.0652 0.0429  0.110  0.117  0.118  0.163  0.217  0.275   0.262   0.257    0.95
## Marginal Rankluster Reference Matrix
##         Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
## Field01 0.6538 0.8216 0.8923 0.9198  0.963
## Field02 0.0756 0.5069 0.8736 0.9713  0.996
## Field03 0.1835 0.3320 0.8030 0.9696  0.995
## Field04 0.3819 0.4931 0.6271 0.7010  0.865
## Field05 0.0500 0.2072 0.6182 0.9263  0.994
## Field06 0.0985 0.2541 0.4550 0.7262  0.918
## Field07 0.2176 0.3119 0.3738 0.4815  0.733
## Field08 0.0608 0.1723 0.2718 0.5700  0.863
## Field09 0.0563 0.1101 0.1799 0.3622  0.715
## Field10 0.0237 0.0359 0.0431 0.0863  0.377
## IRP Indices
##         Alpha         A Beta         B Gamma C
## Field01     1 0.1677977    1 0.6538429     0 0
## Field02     1 0.4312713    2 0.5068824     0 0
## Field03     2 0.4710088    2 0.3320336     0 0
## Field04     4 0.1643891    2 0.4930958     0 0
## Field05     2 0.4110466    3 0.6182062     0 0
## Field06     3 0.2712108    3 0.4549879     0 0
## Field07     4 0.2518684    4 0.4815211     0 0
## Field08     3 0.2982121    4 0.5699954     0 0
## Field09     4 0.3528379    4 0.3621986     0 0
## Field10     4 0.2906998    5 0.3769977     0 0
##                               Rank 1  Rank 2  Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
## Test Reference Profile         4.915   8.744  13.657 18.867 26.488
## Latent Rank Ditribution      163.000  91.000 102.000 91.000 68.000
## Rank Membership Dsitribution 148.275 103.002 105.606 86.100 72.017
## Latent Field Distribution
##            Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10
## N of Items       3       2       2       1       3       3       4       2       8        7
## Model Fit Indices
##                    value
## model_log_like -6804.899
## bench_log_like -5891.314
## null_log_like  -9862.114
## model_Chi_sq    1827.169
## null_Chi_sq     7941.601
## model_df        1088.000
## null_df         1155.000
## NFI                0.770
## RFI                0.756
## IFI                0.892
## TLI                0.884
## CFI                0.891
## RMSEA              0.036
## AIC             -348.831
## CAIC           -4968.595
## BIC            -4966.485
## Strongly ordinal alignment condition was satisfied.


# Show bicluster structure
plot(result.LDB, type = "Array")

# Test Response Profile
plot(result.LDB, type = "TRP")

# Latent Rank Distribution
plot(result.LDB, type = "LRD")

# Rank Membership Profiles for first 9 students
plot(result.LDB, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)

# Field Reference Profiles
plot(result.LDB, type = "FRP", nc = 3, nr = 2)

このモデルでは、各ランクと各フィールドの正答数を視覚化するField PIRPプロファイルを描画することができます。

plot(result.LDB, type = "FieldPIRP")





# Create field configuration vector for item assignment
conf <- c(1, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 7, 7, 11, 11, 7, 7, 12, 12, 12, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 12, 1, 1, 6, 10, 10)

# Create edge data for network structure between classes
edges_data <- data.frame(
  "From Class (Parent) >>>" = c(
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, # Dependencies in various fields
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
    6, 6, 11, 8, 9, 12
  ">>> To Class (Child)" = c(
    2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 11, # Target classes
    3, 7, 9, 12, 12,
    10, 8, 12, 12, 11, 13
  "At Field (Locus)" = c(
    1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, # Field locations
    5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
    7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 12

# Save edge data to temporary file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(edges_data, file = edgeFile, row.names = FALSE)


  1. 項目のフィールド割り当て(confベクトル)
  2. 各フィールドのクラス間ネットワーク構造
  3. クラス数とフィールド数
# Fit Bicluster Network Model
result.BINET <- BINET(
  U = J35S515,
  ncls = 13, # Maximum class number from edges (13)
  nfld = 12, # Maximum field number from conf (12)
  conf = conf, # Field configuration vector
  adj_file = edgeFile # Network structure file

# Display model results
## Total Graph
##         Class01 Class02 Class03 Class04 Class05 Class06 Class07 Class08 Class09 Class10 Class11 Class12 Class13
## Class01       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Class02       0       0       1       1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Class03       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Class04       0       0       0       0       1       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Class05       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
## Class06       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       1       1       0       0       0
## Class07       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Class08       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
## Class09       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0
## Class10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
## Class11       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0
## Class12       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1
## Class13       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0

## Estimation of Parameter set
## Field 1 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1   0.000                     
## Class 2   0.554  0.558  0.649       
## Class 3   0.740                     
## Class 4   0.859                     
## Class 5   0.875                     
## Class 6   0.910                     
## Class 7   0.868                     
## Class 8   0.889                     
## Class 9   0.961                     
## Class 10  0.932                     
## Class 11  0.898                     
## Class 12  0.975                     
## Class 13  1.000                     
## Field 2 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.0000                     
## Class 2  0.0090                     
## Class 3  0.0396                     
## Class 4  0.6813  0.785  0.637       
## Class 5  0.4040  0.728  0.696       
## Class 6  0.6877                     
## Class 7  0.8316                     
## Class 8  0.8218                     
## Class 9  1.0000                     
## Class 10 0.9836                     
## Class 11 1.0000                     
## Class 12 1.0000                     
## Class 13 1.0000                     
## Field 3 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1   0.000                     
## Class 2   0.177                     
## Class 3   0.219                     
## Class 4   0.206                     
## Class 5   0.189  0.253              
## Class 6   1.000                     
## Class 7   1.000                     
## Class 8   1.000                     
## Class 9   0.986                     
## Class 10  1.000                     
## Class 11  0.973                     
## Class 12  1.000                     
## Class 13  1.000                     
## Field 4 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.0000                     
## Class 2  0.0127                     
## Class 3  0.1228                     
## Class 4  0.0468                     
## Class 5  0.1131                     
## Class 6  0.6131  0.436  0.179       
## Class 7  0.9775                     
## Class 8  0.9539                     
## Class 9  0.9751                     
## Class 10 0.9660                     
## Class 11 0.9411  0.925  0.757       
## Class 12 1.0000                     
## Class 13 1.0000                     
## Field 5 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2  PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.0000                      
## Class 2  0.0157                      
## Class 3  0.0731  0.330 0.06789       
## Class 4  0.9626                      
## Class 5  0.1028                      
## Class 6  0.2199                      
## Class 7  0.1446  0.265 0.00602       
## Class 8  0.9403                      
## Class 9  0.2936  0.298 0.12080       
## Class 10 0.8255                      
## Class 11 0.9123                      
## Class 12 1.0000  1.000 1.00000       
## Class 13 1.0000                      
## Field 6 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1   0.000                     
## Class 2   0.236                     
## Class 3   0.275                     
## Class 4   0.449                     
## Class 5   0.414                     
## Class 6   0.302                     
## Class 7   0.415                     
## Class 8   0.469                     
## Class 9   0.560                     
## Class 10  0.564                     
## Class 11  0.614                     
## Class 12  0.764                     
## Class 13  1.000                     
## Field 7 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.0000                     
## Class 2  0.0731                     
## Class 3  0.0810                     
## Class 4  0.1924                     
## Class 5  0.1596                     
## Class 6  0.1316                     
## Class 7  0.1263                     
## Class 8  0.1792                     
## Class 9  0.7542                     
## Class 10 0.9818  0.883  0.933  0.975
## Class 11 0.3047                     
## Class 12 0.7862                     
## Class 13 1.0000                     
## Field 8 
##            PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.00e+00                     
## Class 2  9.83e-05                     
## Class 3  3.70e-02                     
## Class 4  3.91e-02                     
## Class 5  4.21e-02                     
## Class 6  6.88e-02                     
## Class 7  4.56e-01                     
## Class 8  1.65e-01  0.192              
## Class 9  6.15e-01                     
## Class 10 3.88e-01                     
## Class 11 3.16e-01                     
## Class 12 1.00e+00  1.000              
## Class 13 1.00e+00                     
## Field 9 
##            PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.00e+00                     
## Class 2  3.13e-16                     
## Class 3  1.61e-02                     
## Class 4  6.15e-01                     
## Class 5  3.46e-02                     
## Class 6  5.26e-02                     
## Class 7  1.44e-11                     
## Class 8  2.09e-01                     
## Class 9  1.90e-17                     
## Class 10 8.09e-01                     
## Class 11 1.00e+00  1.000              
## Class 12 7.81e-01  0.703              
## Class 13 1.00e+00                     
## Field 10 
##          PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.0000                     
## Class 2  0.0952                     
## Class 3  0.1798                     
## Class 4  0.1741                     
## Class 5  0.1594                     
## Class 6  0.1789                     
## Class 7  0.1208                     
## Class 8  0.1550                     
## Class 9  0.2228                     
## Class 10 0.2602                     
## Class 11 0.1724                     
## Class 12 0.3109                     
## Class 13 1.0000                     
## Field 11 
##            PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.00e+00                     
## Class 2  6.13e-14                     
## Class 3  8.84e-07                     
## Class 4  8.14e-02                     
## Class 5  2.46e-02                     
## Class 6  2.13e-02                     
## Class 7  2.56e-02                     
## Class 8  3.84e-16                     
## Class 9  2.44e-01                     
## Class 10 4.30e-01                     
## Class 11 3.84e-02                     
## Class 12 5.86e-01                     
## Class 13 1.00e+00                     
## Field 12 
##            PSRP 1 PSRP 2 PSRP 3 PSRP 4
## Class 1  0.00e+00                     
## Class 2  2.35e-03                     
## Class 3  5.57e-02                     
## Class 4  1.50e-18                     
## Class 5  2.02e-02                     
## Class 6  1.67e-02                     
## Class 7  1.93e-02                     
## Class 8  4.62e-02                     
## Class 9  1.85e-02                     
## Class 10 2.54e-02                     
## Class 11 5.76e-15                     
## Class 12 2.26e-01                     
## Class 13 1.00e+00      1      1      1
## Local Dependence Passing Student Rate
##     Field Field Item 1 Field Item 2 Field Item 3 Field Item 4 Parent Class Parent CCR 1 Parent CCR 2 Parent CCR 3
## 1   1.000       Item01       Item31       Item32                     1.000        0.000        0.000        0.000
## 2   2.000       Item11       Item21       Item22                     2.000        0.005        0.018        0.003
## 3   2.000       Item11       Item21       Item22                     3.000        0.034        0.068        0.016
## 4   3.000       Item23       Item24                                  4.000        0.221        0.190             
## 5   4.000       Item25       Item26       Item27                     5.000        0.147        0.050        0.142
## 6   4.000       Item25       Item26       Item27                     7.000        0.999        0.991        0.943
## 7   5.000       Item02       Item03       Item04                     2.000        0.005        0.040        0.002
## 8   5.000       Item02       Item03       Item04                     4.000        0.996        0.998        0.893
## 9   5.000       Item02       Item03       Item04                     6.000        0.263        0.334        0.063
## 10  5.000       Item02       Item03       Item04                     8.000        0.980        0.958        0.882
## 11  5.000       Item02       Item03       Item04                    10.000        0.943        0.800        0.733
## 12  7.000       Item12       Item13       Item16       Item17        6.000        0.181        0.146        0.037
## 13  8.000       Item28       Item29                                  6.000        0.009        0.129             
## 14  8.000       Item28       Item29                                 11.000        0.359        0.273             
## 15  9.000       Item05       Item06                                  8.000        0.266        0.152             
## 16  9.000       Item05       Item06                                  9.000        0.000        0.000             
## 17 12.000       Item18       Item19       Item20       Item30       12.000        0.158        0.178        0.217
##    Parent CCR 4 Child Class Child CCR 1 Child CCR 2 Child CCR 3 Child CCR 4
## 1                     2.000       0.554       0.558       0.649            
## 2                     4.000       0.681       0.785       0.637            
## 3                     5.000       0.404       0.728       0.696            
## 4                     5.000       0.189       0.253                        
## 5                     6.000       0.613       0.436       0.179            
## 6                    11.000       0.941       0.925       0.757            
## 7                     3.000       0.073       0.330       0.068            
## 8                     7.000       0.145       0.265       0.006            
## 9                     9.000       0.294       0.298       0.121            
## 10                   12.000       1.000       1.000       1.000            
## 11                   12.000       1.000       1.000       1.000            
## 12        0.162      10.000       0.982       0.883       0.933       0.975
## 13                    8.000       0.165       0.192                        
## 14                   12.000       1.000       1.000                        
## 15                   12.000       0.781       0.703                        
## 16                   11.000       1.000       1.000                        
## 17        0.352      13.000       1.000       1.000       1.000       1.000
## Marginal Bicluster Reference Matrix
##         Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7 Class8 Class9 Class10 Class11 Class12 Class13
## Field1       0  0.587  0.740  0.859  0.875  0.910  0.868  0.889  0.961   0.932   0.898   0.975       1
## Field2       0  0.009  0.040  0.701  0.609  0.688  0.832  0.822  1.000   0.984   1.000   1.000       1
## Field3       0  0.177  0.219  0.206  0.221  1.000  1.000  1.000  0.986   1.000   0.973   1.000       1
## Field4       0  0.013  0.123  0.047  0.113  0.410  0.978  0.954  0.975   0.966   0.874   1.000       1
## Field5       0  0.016  0.157  0.963  0.103  0.220  0.138  0.940  0.237   0.825   0.912   1.000       1
## Field6       0  0.236  0.275  0.449  0.414  0.302  0.415  0.469  0.560   0.564   0.614   0.764       1
## Field7       0  0.073  0.081  0.192  0.160  0.132  0.126  0.179  0.754   0.943   0.305   0.786       1
## Field8       0  0.000  0.037  0.039  0.042  0.069  0.456  0.179  0.615   0.388   0.316   1.000       1
## Field9       0  0.000  0.016  0.615  0.035  0.053  0.000  0.209  0.000   0.809   1.000   0.742       1
## Field10      0  0.095  0.180  0.174  0.159  0.179  0.121  0.155  0.223   0.260   0.172   0.311       1
## Field11      0  0.000  0.000  0.081  0.025  0.021  0.026  0.000  0.244   0.430   0.038   0.586       1
## Field12      0  0.002  0.056  0.000  0.020  0.017  0.019  0.046  0.019   0.025   0.000   0.226       1
##                               Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10
## Test Reference Profile          0.000   3.900   6.001  12.951   8.853  11.428  14.305  17.148  19.544   23.589
## Latent Class Ditribution        2.000  95.000  73.000  37.000  60.000  44.000  43.000  30.000  34.000   18.000
## Class Membership Dsitribution   1.987  82.567  86.281  37.258  60.781  43.222  43.062  30.087  34.435   20.063
##                               Class 11 Class 12 Class 13
## Test Reference Profile          20.343   27.076       35
## Latent Class Ditribution        37.000   27.000       15
## Class Membership Dsitribution   34.811   25.445       15
## Model Fit Indices
##                Multigroup Model Saturated Moodel
## model_log_like -5786.942        -5786.942       
## bench_log_like -5891.314        0               
## null_log_like  -9862.114        -9862.114       
## model_Chi_sq   -208.744         11573.88        
## null_Chi_sq    7941.601         19724.23        
## model_df       1005             16895           
## null_df        1155             17045           
## NFI            1                0.4132149       
## RFI            1                0.4080052       
## IFI            1                1               
## TLI            1                1               
## CFI            1                1               
## RMSEA          0                0               
## AIC            -2218.744        -22216.12       
## CAIC           -6486.081        -93954.09       
## BIC            -6484.132        -93921.32


# Show bicluster structure
plot(result.BINET, type = "Array")

# Test Response Profile
plot(result.BINET, type = "TRP")

# Latent Rank Distribution
plot(result.BINET, type = "LRD")

# Rank Membership Profiles for first 9 students
plot(result.BINET, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)

# Field Reference Profiles
plot(result.BINET, type = "FRP", nc = 3, nr = 2)


# Locally Dependent Passing Student Rates
plot(result.BINET, type = "LDPSR", nc = 3, nr = 2)







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Shojima,K. (2022) Test Data Engineering: Latent Rank Analysis, Biclustering, and Bayesian Network (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior, 13), Springer.




  • 項目反応理論
    • 段階反応モデル(GRM)
    • 部分採点モデル(PCM)
    • 一般化部分採点モデル(GPCM)
  • 潜在構造分析
    • 多値潜在ランクモデル
    • 多値潜在クラス分析
    • 多値データ用拡張バイクラスタリング


  • 2値反応モデル:✅ 実装済み
  • 多値反応モデル:🚧 開発中
  • CRAN投稿:🚧 審査中

